Is financing a car actually a terrible deal? Why I think Financing makes a whole lot of sense if…

We’ve all heard it before, “only morons finance vehicles & other consumer purchases”, but is that really the case? The reality is everything that you buy is financed… it’s either using your money, or someone else’s. Buying a vehicle using financing is just that, it is using someone else’s money to purchase the vehicle you’d like to be driving. To […]

How does buying a Vehicle using financing actually work? Bank loans vs. Dealership loans vs. Online loans

Are you ready to invest in a new vehicle? And confused by the plethora of financing options available? If so, you’re not alone! Each year nearly 2 million of Canadians take on the daunting buyer’s journey, but thankfully there is good news. In this article we will guide you through the loan application process, and the differences between lender types […]

New vs. Used Vehicle Purchase: The Need to Know Guide

So, the time has come to buy a new vehicle? Or does it make sense to purchase used? And what are the advantages or disadvantages of these potential purchases? There is no definite answer, but depending on your needs, a solution is certain.  Each year an estimated 2 million new vehicles are sold in Canada, which accounts for an average […]

How much does financing a new car really cost?

One of the most important questions you may have when considering purchasing a new vehicle is should you finance your new vehicle, or should you lease it. At the end of the day, whether you buy with cash, lease, or finance, you are going to need to come up with a way to pay for your vehicle. This article is […]

The 5 Best Selling Vehicles in Canada 2020

The 5 Best Selling Vehicles in Canada for 2020. Did you know that of the 5 best-selling vehicles in Canada, 4 of them happened to be trucks; & the other one was an SUV. Maybe it was when we had negative oil, maybe it was the consumer’s response to the pandemic, but overall trucks were the most popular vehicle type […]

The Most Expensive Car Ever Sold.

The holy grail of classic car collecting is the Ferrari 250 GTO. What makes this car so rare and valuable is that there were only 36 of them produced between the years 1962-1963. When the car was first released, you could buy it directly from Ferrari for $18,000 USD (Approximately $155,000 in 2021 dollars), however, you also needed to be […]